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Monday, August 28, 2006

Over the two days been so busy couldnt spare time to blog. Now my mouse is acting up, like going on and off soo weird. Man found soo many nice quotes in my PC file, didnt even know they aere there. Cant believe the amount of work the teachers been giving us... like CMON its the last week of school and it is TEACHERS DAY. So let over the work teachers...

was reali nothing much i guess went for training LATE thanks to my stomach which acted up in the morning. sooo irritating spent like 15 mins in the toilet... anyway soo weird. Like before round ubin race it was my kick good stroke lousy. Now stroke good kick lousy... ARGH soo diff to perfect the stroke. Then later we went to eat an bought stuff for all the canoeing teachers for teachers day. Cant be bothered to go into details, we basically walked around Great World looking for nice affordable stuff in expensive places and i FORGOT to bring MONEY like couldnt eat BENS&JERRYS sooo nice love them. haiz had to sit by and watch people eat...

was fun. Had this gold star test in which i passed. Actually was first in all the stuff we had to do. Which were
1)wear lifejacket in water an like stay in help position (basically on your back) for 1 min
2)jump from this super tall jumping board with lifejack on (this one was sooo fun like WEEEEE!!!)
3)sprint 2 laps with long sleeve pyjamus an a t-shirt (this one was TIRING, swam breatstroke like was FIRST but got abrasions from the sleeves guess the pyjamus was too small for me an the pants kept on sliding OFF, so every few laps had to stop an pull my pants UP)
4)swim 1500metres (which is basically 30 laps) within 45 mins. First ten laps like backstroke, second ten laps sidestroke and last ten laps frontstroke which is freestyle or breaststroke (swam breaststroke btw) got something like 33mins like that quite fast i guess beat everyone else. Like when i got up an came back from bathing, they were still swimming.

And the guard was like "WELL DONE" (QUOTE) go take BM course an be a lifeguard(wats bm i so do not know). Then he was like "muscular boy ar" an i was like erm no lah my cca...
anyway funny thing was went a came out from my bath they were still swimming...
Then went shopping with MUM, actually i was like the baggage boy carry and lug all the stuff around didnt buy anything at all coz she forgot to bring her isetan card so next week i guess.

Argh im gonna design my own blog up from scratch coz i realise that way it is funner... but during holiday week i guess.

7:24 PM

Friday, August 25, 2006

Ok my body is freaking painful now. After not training for like a few days like died when i started to like rowed 14km... soo much and i changed my blade to a braca 4L which is super huge like 2 bigger than my normal which is a fw. Anyway i was dieing practically during training and like after training.
Guitar is soo fun i bought a new PEG lolz and started strumming again. Playing it is soo fun. Next week we are gonna do an orchestra thingy during our lesson. Interesting rite... anyway whole lot of work dumped on me this and nxt week swear the tchrs are like adding pressure... i mean school hols are coming rit???
Yes soo far im quite okay with my grades, hope i get 80 avrg for this term then can get NEW room and stuff MWAHAHAHA. next term gonna study like crazi like straight after the hols gonna mugmugmug. So during hols gonna ENJOY MYSELF LIKE CRAZI!!!

9:09 PM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

ARGH SICK AS IN SICK, didnt go to school todae... LOST MY GUITAR PEG... how to strum... ahh so screwed... got work to do an like just screwed... anyway gotta sleep

You are so dumb that you tried to committ suicide by jumping off of the basement window.

10:49 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

Feel tired and burnt out. like BURNT out practically burnt out. like bulb explode like that (whats got this to do wif bulbs i don know). like tired... fell asleep in class for about a minute... oops luckily tchr never did realise. anyway skipped training todae tired but then went for a swim to refresh myself. LAB was funny, harry potter an the philosophers stone became harry potter an the philosophers SCONE (how i so do not know, woke up to the sound of laughter).
For PC we had gays(?) an masturbation(??????) as a topic like reali sick... anyway like didnt know there were FOUR branches of gays(arent they basically just like GAY people)

Talking both chinese and english is sooo wrong. Like basically just WRONG, but some people i know do that so they r WRONG. anyway now that im daoing some other person whos name should not be said(girl version of voldemort whos evil and stuff) for one month, im gonna talk to other cool nice people like them and him and her. anyway i haf forgotten, so fun to do tt jst forget. ha two days down, 28 days more.

A joke to keep you guys amused:

Great Reasons To Be A Guy...
Phone Conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
Dry cleaners and hair cutters don't rob you blind.
You can go to the bathroom without a support group.
You can leave the motel bed unmade.
You can kill your own food.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $10 for a three-pack.
If you are 34 and single, nobody notices.
Everything on your face stays its original color.
You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger's seat.
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
You don't have to clean if the meter reader is coming.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
You can quietly watch a game with your buddy for hours without ever thinking: "He must be mad at me."
Gray hair and wrinkles only add character.
Wedding dress - $2,000. Tuxedo rental - 75 bucks.
You can drop by to see a friend without bringing a little gift.
If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you just might become lifelong friends.
Your pals will never trap you with: "So, notice anything different?"
You are not expected to know the names of more than five colors.
You know which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
You don't have to shave below your neck.
Gas (at either end) is cool.
Your belly usually hides your big hips.
One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.

9:56 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

YES an i GOT FIFTH (i think) with ZACK who died along the way. Now im HIGH an im BROWN(actually RED) from sun burn argh... someday im gonna swim an tan an make all the stupid tan lines go AWAY. i guess not as bad as other people. Pulau Ubin was soo FUN, waves were splashing up and down left and right top an bottom. Water went in but hardly came out of the kayak. FUNNY AB and BP pair SANK, lolz too much water and the boat was like sinkingsinkingsinking an they jumped OUT... (:

Water was seriously choppy today like knives like that. CHOPCHOPCHOP. very unstable like crazi. Every 2 strokes must stop... soooo frustrating boat went flying in the AIR up and down bouncingbouncingbouncing like ball... YES todae JUSTIN came back from sarawak, wonder how it was. Oh yes my HANDS R WRECKED I TELL U WRECKED..... BLISTERS AND CALLUES(is tt how u spell it) like all over... got FOUR blisters and two BURST. PAINPAINPAINPAINPAIN...

IM gonna DAO for one month...
so 29 more days to go (:

10:33 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006

All people have good qualities so everyone has good and bad points. The thing in life is we must look at a person's good points and not think about his or her bad points. This way we look at people from their good side is better than looking from their bad side. SO never EVER judge a person by his/her skin even though she/he is a good for nothing evil lying bitch/bastard.

Random post, tt was a random post. Im nice and cute? oh reali? thanks then i guess thats wat my other friends say bout me too. lolz (:wheee todae had holiday, was bored went to school in the morn for this math remedial then had this prefect meeting. WOW i was selected to be in the "fringe" com for tchers day. Bascially do stuff for teachers day make teachers feel good i guess, make their day an stuff. Oh an we hatched an evil plan to snatch away 250 of the free postcards to post teachers a nice letter by stuffing them into our BAG. MWAHAHAHAHA SO EVIL RITE. (i guess). Oh went to seoul garden again today had lunch wif canoeist friends ATEATEATE felt fat and stuff but didnt care anyway this Sun got marathon 22KM SOOO LONG SIA.

Learnt a new word todae, Zhng(Zhe-eng) which is making something nice and pretty and stuff like tt. Ha meeting soo funi and FUN should haf MORE of tt i guess. An we get to clock CST hours. GOT TWO ALREADI. BEAT TT!!!

Whats Left of Me...

10:33 PM

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton

Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.

And I need you,
And I miss you,
And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think timewould pass me by? '
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

t's always times like these
When I think of you,
And wonder if you ever think of me.

'Cause everything's so wrong
And I don't belong.
Livin' in your precious memory.

'Cause I need you,
And I miss you,
And now I wonder...
f I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
ould pass me by? '
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

I, I, don't wanna let you know
I, I, drown in your memory.
I, I, don't wanna let this go.
I, I, don't.

Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.

And I still need you,
And I still miss you, A
nd now I wonder...
If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think timeWould pass.. us by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you...

oh oh

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you.
If I could just hold you....


reali sums up wat im feeling rite now
trying to smile (:

9:57 PM

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

OH so We BEAT RAFFLES LIKE CRAZI with a score of 15 to 10. YES WE ROCK. OMSon todae like cheered till got no voice alreadi. SORE THROAT and its PAIN. ha anyway like we got GOLD and HOLIDAY, dunno when though. Oops todae went to class LATE after recess, Talked to stan for too long, yes and stan u r rit, it is her lost for not choosing me btw many other people say that too, yes an she has bad taste lolz keep it a secret. (: anyway rekha was kind to me todae didnt scold like i immediatly said SORI and she was like nothing to say alreadi.

Haiz i didnt mean it tt way okay miin, like u know wat it means, sori if i offended u okay.Ill like remove it. Yea but still would like you as a friend. Class was funny, is always funny with shaunald and daryl and timtan in our class. LAUGHEDLAUGHEDLAUGHED. played badminton, realirealireali not good at badminton and my arms HURT from all the smashes by NICHOLAS, he smash soo FAST and make me run round the whole court. LOLZ funnytiring but FUN.


About the FTP(foreign talent policy)

Our interviewer Philip J. Ratman interviews Mr. Carey Ball, the head consultant of Scrotum Sachs, a world renowned economics consultant who is advising the Singapore parliament on how to explain the current recession to Singaporeans. Read the inside scoop on the kind of reasons that will be given to you to explain this recession!!!

Philip J Ratman: Hello Talkcockers! I have with me Mr. Carey Ball who is advising the Gahmen on how to explain explain the recession. Welcome Mr. Ball, let me start by asking, why are you being appointed?

Mr. Carey Ball: Well Philip, the government is drawing a complete blank as to why Singapore is hit with a second recession in the span of 3 years and they are scurrying for suitable explanations. That is why they hired us, an Ang Mor, sorry, foreign talent, consultant firm to give them some pointers.

Philip J Ratman: So could you tell us exactly what strategies you will be adopting to explain the bad state of the economy?

Mr. Carey Ball: Certainly. Well I've come up with a two-pronged strategy to explain the bad economy, and these are as follows: a) Blame the US economy b) Blame the Singaporean (Pink IC holders only)

Philip J Ratman: Could you explain further? You mean the government is not going to take any responsibility for the economy?

Mr. Carey Ball: Of course not! The government is never responsible for a bad economy, only a good one. Don't you know your basic principles of governance? Clearly, bad things are always due to other people and external factors. Like the US economy. Since the US economy is in a slowdown, we will tell Singaporeans that our economy is closely tied to the US economy and that we are heavily affected by any movements in the US economy.

Philip J Ratman: Wow! That is really clever... but could you explain further about the strategy of blaming the Singaporean?

Mr. Carey Ball: But of course. Our second strategy is to scold the Singaporeans, saying that it is their fault that the economy is in recession. We will say that because of their reluctance to upgrade themselves and acquire new skills, they are unable to keep pace with "the New Economy". We are therefore blaming them for their unemployment woes. Philip J Ratman: But what exactly is this term "New Economy"? I've been hearing a lot about this term lately but no one can come up with a definition of what is meant by "New Economy". Could you explain?

Mr. Carey Ball: Well, Philip, you are right. There is no definition of the term "New Economy" because no such definition exists! It is just a term we invented so that we can make it the bogeyman for all of Singapore's problems. For example, a) the falling value of the Sing Dollar - New Economy is the cause b) Cutting of Employer CPF contribution - New Economy is the cause c) MNCs relocating to Malaysia - New Economy is the cause So as you see Philip, most of Singapore's most difficult problems can be explained by inventing a new term and giving that as the reason for all of Singapore's problems.

Philip J Ratman: Now I see very clearly! It's just like the term "Asian Values". It is used time and again but no one really knows what it means!

Mr. Carey Ball: That is exactly my point! And we consultants pride ourselves on coming up with these wonderfully nebulous terms that can mean whatever we want them to mean. Now you know why they say consultancy is a mix of 'conning' and 'insulting'.

hilip J. Ratman: That's amazing. I can see why they're paying you the big bucks! I'm afraid that we have to leave it at that and thank you for the interview. This is Philip J. Ratman, for Talkingcock.com signing off and remember: When a relative gets sued, start distancing yourself by writing fiction!!!!

TAKEN FROM talkingcock.com (no sexual connotations watsoever)

9:01 PM

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


ha i feel happy after letting GO and forgetting. lolz like im high now lor, dun care bout relationship now. Gona try go back to my old nice life being a nice guy with normal behaviours. HAHA anyway through this thing met a few friends gonna keep in touch, learnt some valuable stuff too, which is never ever like a girl wholeheartedly esp one like tt. DONO y i like in the first place... SO DUMB ME.

ANYWAY im happy and high todae cause got OVER it. HA i beat my stupid heart and feeling into submission. ANYWAY HEART MENDED LIAO. GOT SOMETHING LIKE 889 more pieces to go to stick together, but it is a start. ANYWAY, friends an ppl help alot, mostly in distracting me soo i dun think bout tt retarded incident. im gonna superduper nice from now onwards and help every single friend in need(including TIMONG) lolz. So got prob aproach me your friendly nice neighbourhood prefect and ill try to help!!!

ha so didnt know forgetting was soo easy once the truth is known. TODAE cut my superduper long hair, but when it goes back gonna be nice i guess, just shortshortshort now lolz (: OH YES gonna try not to swear at ALL. HAHA gonna be hard but then good for me i guess.

Oh ur company in bizworld has expanded to sell SPECS, YES SPECS, made using PAPER lolz a joke rit. FUN i GUESS.


10:31 PM

Monday, August 14, 2006

LOVE-- pronounced LUA--V

Strange weird feeling that develops between a GEAL and a BOIY when the BOIY excreats external externally produced hormores called PHERMONES. Thus because of this a CHEMICAL reaction is caused and there is MAGNETIC feeling. May be caused because the BOIY is dumb enough to admit to the GEAL about this ATTRACTION.

WARNING!!! GEALS are UNPREDICTABLE and can BREAK your HEART anytime. THIS CAUSES A HOLE OR PAIN OR DULL ACHE IN YOUR HEART aka HEARTACHE. Therefore GEALS are dangerous and BOIYs are adviced to stay away till THEIR HEART IS SOLIDIFIED, this happens after they ATTEND THE ARMY, a.k.a NS a.k.a NATIONAL SERVICE. ALSO they haf this HIGHER REALM ability called MANIPULATE, in short they manipulate nice innocent BOIYs to buy stuff for them then TEAR THEIR HEART into a THOUSAND PIECES. SO NEVER APPRROACH A GIRL (xceot yr mum, sis, aunt, cousins, family related) cause this evil thing will happen to U. (tts not my fault U HAF BEEN WARNED)

ANYWAY wat am i crappin about...
14 km todae for training for the marathon. FEELING CONFUSED SAD HAPPY TIRED AND DUMB. DEAD todae nv bring PC file and LA file, HAF NOTHING TO FILE INSIDE ANYWAY. TMRW I AM SCREWED. IM feeling realirealireali confused now... OH i GONNA TAKE UP KRAV MAGA.


should i believe u... dunno no more liess i guess...

10:45 PM

Friday, August 11, 2006

Todea an yesterday was soo DEPRESSING it is surprising how ones feelings can change over two days, couldnt concentrate at all in school forgot to bring my LAA essay luckily tchr was kind so let me emailed her.

Then to distract myself from thinkin too much went back to school to help in the parking duty for some Methodis thingy of school reali had a period of silence i guess. Dougy was sooo funi he an kevin were like arguing and he was like running around and dancing in the middle of the road for what i do not know y?
I apologise in advance for anyone i incur the wrath of, these days just not in my normal mood...
Cant stop thinking, sooooo DUMB. ><


shouldnt haf told in the first place should haf lied... this is dumb.... yea an i kw JT told me i know the whole truth...

i now know the meaning of heartache.


8:54 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ha 22km, I beat u PULAU UBIN. Ok so todae we kayaked round Pulau Ubin so fun but difficult at times. So HIGH waves and soooo ROUGH waters but WHEE so fun when the waves go over the boat like BOOM then water washes by.

On they way we stopped at Frog Island and we ate lunch there and had a sort of picnic and it was FUN. But then after that it was soo tiring all the salt water splashing into my face, eyes were tearin like crazy and all RED and WATERY. Ha but then soo FUN.

SO tired like wanna faint.

Oh reali yea miss u too. Hope we do that again.

5:59 PM

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

ARGH sooooo frustrating, must improve my LOUSY stroke.... ENTRANCE and EXIT is soo hard to perfect...
Entrance -- lean forward 5 to 10 degress an rotate body 30 degrees, stretch forward and pull the water
Exit -- when finishing the stroke flip the blade out of the water so that your arm is in a right angle 90 degrees. The body must turn and legs kick to keep balance and add more power to the stroke
Sounds soooo easy but actually sooo DIFF. Gona be damn on and go everytime an quickly improve, must clock 2.15 mins 4 500m by the end of this term...

Ok so u know but i dun reali care cause like it is a natural thing u know, besides donot that u had tt way of thinking as well... (=


11:18 PM

Thursday, August 03, 2006

EW didnt come, LH was on MC and chinese was like 1hr and 20mins LONG and music 40 mins LONG, so added up was TWO HOURS of FREE PERIOD. Did all the homework due and like slept for 20 mins as there was nothing to do.

Went for a health check-up, apparently i haf a straight back but my left side is more muscular than my right (wonder y?). Training was sooo fun, WHEEE now i can kick and twist in the K ( tts is most of the time), the winds were STRONG and I almost capped...

We learnt 4 new notes todae in guitar lesson. The lower D,E,F,G of the notes so FUN. So much hw gonna DIE.

10:28 PM


When Life is sad it is BLACK When Life is happy it is WHITE Black is the meaning of nothingness White is the colors of the rainbow put together Therefore Life is BLACK&WHITE


spastic retarded joker
ACS canoeing team "Apolloboy"

I make alot of jokes and like making people laugh. I play most racquet sports like Badminton, Tennis and Squash though I cant say I'm very good at them. I like running and swimming and canoeing really rocks as well. Oh and I am in the ACSI canoeing team which absoulutely rocks this world. Ah well what can I say, I really exercise alot, maybe because I don't want to be fat again like last time. Love doing last minute work in school and then again I always get scolded by the teacher. I'm bored with every single attractive girl I meet. And people say I am nice but then experience it for yourself.

MOOD --- happy haha dont feel sad now NOT AT ALL

A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton,
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you... Tonight.

MY BEST FRIENDS like Amelia and Marcus

My cool sister ELENA!

FRIENDS, basically peopl who are nice to talk to, I love havin random long nice chats.


MY DOG, whos soo cute and sweet and nice to cuddle

CANOEING -- fun good and effective way to lose weight and enjoy. Makes me tired though an like wanna sleep in class...

SLEEP -- like who doesn't like sleep ( must be crazy)

RUNNING, SWIMMING and basically any form of excercise thats FUN lolz

Being random and doing random stuff like saying DOG or TREE out of the sudden

I JUST LOVE ;) (at least i try to)

hate LIERS -- yes hate them at least when they lie to ME

HOMEWORK (whodoesnt)


HER--you know who you are (:

HAPPY, I wanna be happy like HAPPY. SMILE PPL (: I AM HAPPY




my heart to be never ever broken again and it to be mended back FAST!!!


SMILE all the TIME...!!!



Nice hair and look MORE better

MORE TIME... like 24 hours is not enough...!!!




Joshua Tan`
Nick Ng`


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006


layout by: Lyna
brushes:b, c